- What makes N.T. Adventure Race different from other similar events?
- If you do not have an inventory…
- Do you need accommodation?
- Do you participate in such type of event for the first time?
Every event usually is either a recreational or a sport event. But not N.T. Adventure Race! Our event covers even 3 spheres – tourism, sports and entertainment! Therefore:
– Just participation itself is unique entertainment for everyone
– For less active participants (your family, friends, your fans) it’s a chance to spend weekend in open-air, to play volleyball, football at the event camping place or just to listen, watch performances or even take part in shows and games at the event center!
– It is a unique way to get acquainted with Lithuania, paticularly with Anyksciai region (cultural heritage, and natural values, attractions, local tourism infrastructure and provided tourist services )
– It is genuine event, which lasts for a whole weekend. First day – the official part (adventure race) and the other day – an informal day (museums, atractions will be free or with big discounts for all participants)
– It will be very difficult to distinguish between the event’s participants, spectators or organizers
– In N.T. Adventure Race we plan to have more participants than spectators, because the event is encouraging to do something rather to sit on a sofa …
Inventory can be rented at the time of the event, however, we invite you to inform us about it beforehand. Please contact us at n.t.info@pramoguslenis.lt
Local hotels, homesteads and cafes owners are always ready to rent an apartment or prepare delicious food for you at the lower prices during the event days. The list with available hotels and homesteads will be provided in the newsletters
Register for the shortest route (MTB) – it does not require the physical preparation and can be great fun for you, your friends or your family. If you are fit, you can try Amateurs route and take maximum fun of it without any rush.